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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Odds and Ends

 So I thought I would just close the loop on a couple of things.  This is the final product
for the garlic.  They are nicely cured.  Below they are trimmed and ready to use.
I will eat most of this through the winter, but a good bit will go back to the 
garden in the fall for next years crop.
 They look and smell really good.  I'm glad I tried this.  I will grow galic from now on.
 There are about sixty heads in all.  Some bigger than others.
This is a new type pickle I'm trying.  It is not heated or cooked at all.  There are
oak leaves in the bottom to help keep the pickles crisp.  There is also chili flake,
mustard seed and dill.  The liquid is undiluted white wine vinegar (necessary
because it is not cooked or processed at all).  There is also a thin layer of
olive oil at the top that acts as a seal.  I will give them a couple of weeks and
see how it turns out.

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