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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Edible Hedge

 The tomatos and cucumbers have formed a hedge about 7 feet tall and 4.5 feet wide (in spots).
 It's a pretty masive thing.  These pics were taken after several prunnings, so it
wouldn't take over the entire yard.
 I've had to brace and rebrace several tomato limbs.  I had to completely brace with
another iron pole the cucumbers because they were so heavy they had
tilted the brace about two feet and it was all about to fall down.
 We've just started eating tomatos this last week.  We've had cumcumbers
and squash for a couple of weeks now, beets for even longer.
 These guys don't get as much direct sun and the others, so they have been a little
slower to grow, but they are over six feet now.  The marigold are doing nicely too.

 I love the way the marigolds look, but they wouldn't be there if it weren't for the pest resistence.
Just this morning there was a large white fly swarm out at the garden, but I didn't see any on the plants.

 This is the new garden patch.  It is competely covered too.  Lots of good stuff.

 Bell peppers are larger than baseballs now.  I think I will pick them in about a week.

I made some beet pasta with the beets from the garden and put together a quick meal.
There are onions, patty pan squash, shitaki mushrooms and tomatos.
It was pretty good.

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