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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mother Earth Products

Of course there is never anything that can beat fresh out of the garden, especially if it is out of my Urban garden. Growing is half the fun. There are plenty of times when fresh is not available though. If you find yourself in that position, check out this website. It is my brothers new site and I am just trying to help him promote it. Below is a post off of his home page. It also has many links in it back to his site. Check it out.

Here at Mother Earth Products we specialize in working with individuals, one on one, to meet your specific needs.  We not only want to help you with your daily needs of dried vegetables (dehydrated vegetables), freeze dried vegetables, TVP and meat substitutes, and other grains and legumes, but we want to help  you to understand the value of future preparedness and teach you how to accomplish it, in part, through Long Term Food Storage.

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