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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Green Chile

After making the Jardiniere yesterday I still had a lot of good green chiles left, so they needed to be canned so they were not wasted.  I use green chile in everything, so I'm glad to have them.
I put them on a cookie sheet and put them under the broiler in the oven until they were blistered, then flipped them and did the same on the other side. 
While still hot out of the oven, put them in a double plastic bag and close for a while to steam the skins off.  Remove them while still hot for easier skinning and seeding. 
Here they are skinned and seeded.  Ready for a dice now. 
All diced up and the kitchen smells very good. 
Here they are after 35 minutes in the pressure canner.  Can't wait to use them. 

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