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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Garden Update: First Bite!

Bigger and bigger.  Everything is doing well.  Just in the last day the first flower buds appeared on some of the potato plants.  Good weather for the next month and my goal of harvesting the first of the potatoes in the first week of June looks possible.  That will give the squash and cucumbers I planted between some of the potatoes the room they need to spread and do well.  I will then harvest the rest of the potatoes through the summer as I need them.

The tomatoes, both in the garden and in pots, are doing really well.  The first close-up is of the German Striped Green.  The second close-up is of the Sweet 100s my neighbor gave me.  The small green fruit look like little emeralds.

The beets really took off over the last week.  The roots are about the size of a quarter right now.  It wont be long and I'll be eating these ones.  I have two other plots of secession planting to last the summer.

Carrot patch is doing really well.

The Eight Ball squash in the bucket isn't doing very well, but the blossom is still pretty.

And now, what I've been waiting months for. . . the first bite from this year's garden is, as usual, the Amish Snap Peas.  I picked a few last night and ate them.  They are so good and sweet and it's just nice to have the official start of the summer with the first bite from the garden.

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