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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tomatoes-- Fresh and Canned

I took these pictures two or three weeks ago, but never got around to posting them.  I asked my son, who is approaching six foot tall, to stand by the tomatoes just to show how high the get every year.  They are at about eight foot, and that is after I trimmed all the primary growth weeks ago.  Gotta love the heirlooms.

These are the fall tomatoes.  They are grown off the suckers from the main tomatoes in the main garden plot, so the mature slower.  They are already producing and will continue to produce into November.

Some nice orange tomatoes.  They have a great low acid taste.  They did particularly well this year.

We had so many tomatoes we have done one batch of canning so far.  There are three different kinds of tomatoes in here, which makes a better flavor in the canned end product.  The main ones you see are a pink variety called Porter that were developed in Stephenville, TX about two hours from here in the '30's.  It is a great heirloom that can take the heat around here and still set.  We've had many days over a hundred this year and a one day high of 107.

 There is salt, pepper, and garlic added to the tomatoes.  They turn out great that way.

 Love the way fresh canned tomatoes look.  They always remind me of jewels.

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