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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Green Chili, Garlic and Onion Sausage

It's been a while since I made sausage.  I usually make venison sausage during the winter, but I got the urge and made up a recipe to use some New Mexico green chili from Hatch.  After it was made I grilled some and added it to a white been stew, something like cassoulet, and it was very good.  

Here's the sausage recipe:

8.5 lbs pork butt, cubed and ground through the large die twice
12 roasted and seeded green chilis, minced
1 large yellow onion, minced
1 large head of garlic, minced
3 tablespoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
2 eggs
1 cup heavy cream

After you have cubed the meat, add everything together and mix well before putting through the grinder.  You can put it in links or just leave as is if you want.  I linked it because I like it that way, but it's not necessary.  

After everything is combined, you have about 10 lbs of sausage.  
I linked it in natural hog caseings.
Here is is linked, just prior to a light smoking.  
Smoking isn't necessary either, but it tastes good.
 You can see the grill marks on some of these where they were in the smoker.  
I put them in the freezer to firm them up after the smoker, then vacum sealed them.
The easy way to cook them when they are sealed like this is to put them in a slow boil for about 20 minutes and then take them out of the bag and grill them off.  

If you want the cassoulet-ish recipe, here it is:

3 links of the sausage, grilled and sliced
2 cans white beens (navy or whatever you like)
3 cups chicken stock
1 sprig fresh basil
salt and pepper to taste

Drain the beens well and simmer in the chicken stock with the basil sprig for 10 minutes.  Add the sausage, remove the basil, adjust the seasonings and eat.  Very simple, but tastes great.  Should be enough for three.

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