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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Garlic (early)

 I had to pick some garlci earlh because my dog knocked them over.
They are small heads, but seems to have bulbed fine.
Hopefully the dog will leave the rest alone and they will get another month to grow.
 These are really, really strong smelling too.  Good thing I like garlic.
 They look pretty good once they are cleaned up.
 Lots of little yellow crooknecks now.

These are the cucumbers now.  The picture below is from a week ago.  Big difference.
This is last week.  The tomoatos have grown a lot in a week.
This is this weeks pic of the largest tomato plant.  It is over the top of a 5 foot
cage by several inches.  You can see it was a good foot shorter last week
in the pic above.

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