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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rocket Stove Potato and Pumpkin Soup

Great new little wood stove that my brothers told me about.   
I had to give it a try and soup sounded good.
 It takes very little fuel.  I had the soup on for about two hours and used a softball sized amount of wood.

 First saute some onions and garlic in olive oil.  I add red pepper flakes for a little spice.  
After they are soft, add about a tablespoon full on cumin.  A couple of bay leaves are good too.

After the onion, etc. are ready, add peeled and diced potatoes.

 One the right is the pumpkin that was pre-roasted.  I get a small one and quarter it.  Rub olive oil, salt and pepper on it.  Roast in a 450 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until completely soft.  After the potatoes have had a few minutes in the pot by themselves, add the pumpkin and a box on no or low salt chicken stock.  Add enough wood to bring the pot to a boil and then simmer for as long as you want.  

 Talk someone into stiring fairly often so it doesn't burn.

 After every thing is soft and the flavors have blended, season to tast.   
I puree the whole thing until smooth for serving.  Add water if necessary to get the right consistency.

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