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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring 2011-- First Look

 This is last year's Brussel Sprouts going to seed.
 I planted asperigus this year.
  We won't be able to eat it for a couple of years,
 but it looks good in the garden for now.
There are onions on the left,
 potatos (from last years crop) next to them,
 then tomatos, and finaly, sweet peas on the far right.
Looking the opposite direction from the last picture,
 again, onions and potatos on the left, squash in the foreground,
 and beans on the far right.
The chives planted last year are doing very well
 and make a pretty corner of the garden.  There is parsley growing behind the chives.
In the foreground are the pickling cucumbers.
  The large plants at the end are radishes.  I will eat the radishes and the
 little imature seed pods (they are the best).  Under the radishes are carrots and beets.
  The radishes grow very quickly, so as soon as they are harvested, the carrots
 and beets get enough light to grow and I can do it all in the same spot and conserve ground.
This is the French curly leaf spinach.  It is very good.
  The first cutting is almost ready.
I'm trying something new this year-- growing my own mushrooms.
  These are oak cuttings and I drilled a bunch of holes in them and hammered
 plugs that are impregnated with mushroon spores into them.  In a few weeks,
 we should have three different types of mushrooms:
  Shiitake, Pearl Oyster, and Reishi.
This is a better picture of the holes with the plugs in them.

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