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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Garden Update

I waited to take pictures of the garden again until there was really something to see.  Obviously, if you go back to the first pictures of the garden this year, things have improved greatly.

The potato plants have grown nicely.  There are 28 plants.  Some of them are getting big enough to start the hills around them.

Let the hilling being.  They are looking quite nice and with all the soil improvements from last year the hills were very easy to make.  I can't wait until they are all as far along as the one here.

Here is the carrot patch.  The large ones are from last year that are being grown this year for seed.  The small ones were planted from seed.  You can see the beets and another section of onions in the background.

Here are the beets and onions.  Doing pretty well.  The large onions sets are volunteers from last year.  I'm happy to let them grow.

A ladybug has found a home on my son's pepper plant.

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