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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Garden Update

It's been almost two weeks and, as you can see, the garden is coming along nicely.

We had a good rain last night and the beets got a little beat down (no pun), but they will come back fine. They seem to be doing  better than last year.  The onions in the background are also doing very well.

The carrots also seem to be doing better this year.  I don't know what the difference is, but they look good.

The Amish Snap Peas should start producing in the next couple of weeks.

In the new section, the Spanish Black radishes are still looking good and you can see quite a bit of growth on the spinach now too.  Both of these came from last year's seed.  Love that.

The tomatoes all got caged this morning.  They are getting big.  The Striped Green are already set.

Of course, the standout of the garden so far are the potatoes.  Can't wait till June to harvest these.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Garden Update

I waited to take pictures of the garden again until there was really something to see.  Obviously, if you go back to the first pictures of the garden this year, things have improved greatly.

The potato plants have grown nicely.  There are 28 plants.  Some of them are getting big enough to start the hills around them.

Let the hilling being.  They are looking quite nice and with all the soil improvements from last year the hills were very easy to make.  I can't wait until they are all as far along as the one here.

Here is the carrot patch.  The large ones are from last year that are being grown this year for seed.  The small ones were planted from seed.  You can see the beets and another section of onions in the background.

Here are the beets and onions.  Doing pretty well.  The large onions sets are volunteers from last year.  I'm happy to let them grow.

A ladybug has found a home on my son's pepper plant.

Chickens are Stylin' Now

The new coop arrived and the chickens are getting used to it.  They didn't want to climb the ladder at first, but are old pro's now.

New Addition to the Garden

This is the new section of the garden this year.  The largest part is where the shed used to sit.  We moved it and turned the soil and extended it out a little to meet the steps going down to the second tier of the back yard.  It get a lot a shade from the Bartlett Pear tree, so I planted things that will, hopefully, do well in partial shade-- radishes, onions, spinach, beets and brussel sprouts.  I also put in a couple of egg plant bushes in the area by the steps that gets the most sun.

Here is a shot of the little onion plants.  In all, there are 120 onions planted in this year's garden.

If you look hard you can see the new radish sprouts at the top left of the picture running to the bottom right of the picture.  The spinach has germinated too, but you really can't see it yet.  The grey tub in the back of this picture is the new worm farm.  So far, so good.