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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May Garden

This is the zucchini plant.  Just set its first fruit.  Leaves are huge.

Flower on top is male; one on the bottom is female attached to the first zucchini.
This is the first female flower on the heirloom yellow crookneck squash.
Love onions.  I just need about 500 lbs more.

 The yellow crookneck is pretty spectacular when it has all these blooms at the same time.

French marigolds are doing great again this year.  First open bloom on May 19.
Pretty little tomato flower off an heirloom yellow pear tomato.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring 2014— Garden Starts

I didn’t start anything indoors this year— not because I didn’t want to, but because I just didn’t have the time.  So, I planted everything from seed a few weeks later than I normally would.  Everything is up and doing fine.

The little plants in the foreground are French Marigolds.  I plant these every year from the seeds from the prior year (as with most of my plants).  They are beautiful and smell great, but also help with grubs and white flies.  In side the cages are the tomato plants.  There are about nine varieties of heirlooms this year.  You can see to the far right the asparagus has already bolted.

Far right row has beets.  I will most likely do succession planting here.
Here on the right you can see the onions.  There are purple and while.  The purple seem to be doing a little better.  This is the first year I have planted the shoots about four weeks before the last frost to encourage bulbing.  I must say, it seems to be working.  I always wondered why I didn’t get good bulbs, now I know.

This spring we had such volatile weather that 10-15% of the onions bolted, being tricked into thinking they were two years old in one growing season.  I’m just glad they all didn’t bolt.

Red onions.
White onion blooms splitting their wrapper.
Good looking bulbs this year.

Spinach growing in the shade of the asparagus.