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Friday, April 19, 2013

It Begins

Finally planted the garden the first week of April (the 6th).  I thought I had waited long enough that the chance for a cold-snap was over, but I was wrong.  A couple of days after these pictures were taken it froze and killed the cucumbers.  Everything else seems to be a little shocked, but alive.  You can see the Asparagus in the foreground already three feet high.  This was the first year we actually ate any of it.  I gave it a full three years to mature first.  I hate to waste space, so there are chives growing under the Asparagus.

 These are the little cucumbers that ended up freezing.
 These are yellow crook neck squash.
 This is the garlic that was planted last fall.  I mulched it very heavily and then didn't take some of it off in the spring and ended up killing a lot of it.  So I planted some spring bulbs just to get a little more for the season.
 This is the Lemon Thyme.  It is great and comes back every year.
 My little pear espalier.
 One little pear that made it.